Monday, September 15, 2014

Ted Talks: Motivating Me In and Out of the Classroom

I'm a terrible runner.  Always have been. In fact, I'm not a great athlete in any respect, which of course makes  running quite challenging.  

This summer I decided, once again, to take up running with the support of the Couch to 5K app and the encouragement of those around me telling me how "easy" it was.   For those that do not use this fantastic app, it guides you to a 5K with short run/walk segments; it is truly designed for the non-runner.

After several weeks of "running" I found that the music I listened to did not motivate or focus me enough during my running segments and I would count down the seconds until the running period ended, making my short run even more painful.  

Knowing that this would eventually be my demise, I decided to try something new   During my runs, I would play a Ted Talk, one of the many on my never ending list of must listen to that has developed over the years. I've done this now for several sessions and I'm thrilled to report that it works.  No longer am I obsessively focused on my breathing or checking the time remaining on my run segment.  Now because I am so interested in the speaker or the subject of my talk, I just run.  It's made all the difference! 

Because these talks have had the power to turn this reluctant athlete into somewhat of a runner I thought they were noteworthy and wanted to share.  All are about education.  All hint at motivation.  All talk about change. 

Enjoy them!  Share them with your students or a fellow educator.

1.  Ken Robinson:  How to Escape Education's Death Valley (May 2013)

2.  Ken Robinson:  Do Schools Kill Creativity (January 2007)

3. Angela Duckworth:  The Key to Success: Grit (May 2013)

4.  Sugata Mitra:  The Child-Driven Education (July 2012)

5. Kakenya Ntaiya: A Girl Who Demanded School (March 2013)

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